Yea, yea. I hear about Pasta's EA fanboyism all the time but some people just need to come off it. Many people complained of similar things in the demo and now that Pasta has the full game, it seems that it's virtually no different. I don't think it's fanboyism, at all. Sounds like what's in the demo is in the game which is disheartening because I was trying to give this game a smidge of hope and I have yet to try the demo since Sony is taking it's sweet time releasing the thing on PSN.
I wonder what people will say if the reviews, across the board, don't sound to great about this game? Will there EA fanboyism claims them? How about reversing that thought in regards to those who just want this game to be the greatest thing since sliced bread since there are so many EA and/or Madden haters out there? People need to learn to be more objective....and I "be needin'" to get my hands on SOME TYPE OF BACKBREAKER GAME PLAY so I can get my own "objectivism" on.