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Old 06-01-2010, 04:06 PM   #9
Cade Cunningham
rudyjuly2's Arena
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Re: Who all thinks they will get NCAA 11 early?

Originally Posted by ODogg
The crazy thing is rudyjuly2 that there may be and you don't know about it. For 2 years I drove 3 hours to get the game early and then due to me helping out someone here @ OS (or trying to) he discovered a place by him that got it early and I've been able to avoid that drive for the last couple of years.

You think there's a chance that there may be a place near you and you just don't know about it yet or have you pretty much scoured the area?
I work in Windsor, ON and college football just isn't that popular in Canada. All the video games stores are EB, Best Buy, Future Shop, Walmart, etc. There were a couple smaller stores but they disappeared. I don't feel like crossing the border into to Detroit looking for the game early either. Having to deal with bridge/tunnel traffic just isn't worth it.
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