06-05-2010, 03:22 PM
NBA Inside Drive 2000 (Don't laugh!)
Alright, I'm going to start off with a quick statement . . . please don't ask why I'm discussing Inside Drive 2000, I have my reasons.
Whenever the NBA Playoffs roll around, I get that urge to play my vintage NBA PC games (I'm sure a few can relate). Now, I'm pretty much a cheap skate, so like many of us, I like FREE stuff, like updates to my older games and I even just recently purchased NBA LIVE 06 off Amazon for about six bucks! You can't beat that!
Back in the day, when ID2K came out, it was about the coolest thing on earth. OPERATION SPORTS & HIGH VOLTAGE ENTERTAINMENT had a good thing going. They provided awesome graphic and roster updates and there was even an ID Editor that someone created to modify player ratings (believe me this was a cool thing back in 2000).
Anyway, I believe Brian Summers was responsible for many of the files that Operation Sports released. Also, Rykbowski and KCody were heavily involved and Steve Bethel provided many of the team court and jersey graphics.
My question to the folks out there in this community is do we have any of these files archived? If so, I would be interested in them. Especially the ID Editor.