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Old 06-08-2010, 07:20 PM   #1
CarryTheWeight's Arena
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Will the Sabres' New Logo/Uniforms Be Included This Time Around?

Let's jump back to 2006. The Buffalo Sabres announced they would be changing their uniforms and logo to a new blue and gold color scheme (the horrid "Buffaslug"). NHL 07, due out that year, did not arrive with this new change in tow, due to the Sabres' publicly unveiling their new uni's and logo late in development, leaving gamers playing with the outdated black and red uniforms and logo in the team's most successful season on record. (For trivia's sake, the only title to offer the "slug" logo and uniforms that year was NHL 2K7 for PS3, as it released in November as a PS3 launch title).

With that being said, I'm just putting this thought out there: with all the "unlockability" EA has done in the past with team logos and uniforms (due to RBK Edge or the recent influx of third jerseys), even if the Sabres organization chooses to do the same "late unveiling" of their new logo and jersey combination as they did in the past, would NHL 11 actually include their changes this time around, or will Sabres and NHL fans be left hanging by using last year's design as they did in 07?

To those unfamiliar with the pending changes, here's a bit of a catch-up: the Sabres will be switching back full-time to a modernized version of their 1970-1996 circular logo (as seen on their current third jersey) in celebration of the team's fourtieth anniversary season. Their current thirds will become their new home jerseys (as seen in this year's playoffs), a new away jersey based on the third will be designed, and a new third inspired by the long-defunct Buffalo Bisons hockey club will also be introduced. More information on points to this change:

New home, road and alternate jerseys. The Sabres will be undergoing big changes to celebrate their 40th anniversary season. Their current third jersey — a throwback with some modern updates — will take over as the home jersey, as has long been rumored.

Reebok lists the Sabres' road sweater as TBD, but it will most likely be a white version of the current alternates. I also understand they'll be adding an entirely new third jersey, but I'm told it may be only for the 40th anniversary season.
I know we may not get an official word from EA this early in development, but let's speculate: knowing the results of NHL 07 and the Sabres' first brand change in the last little while, do you think these new logo and uniform designs will make it into the game regardless of if the Sabres organization plans the unveiling date a little too late?
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