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Old 06-09-2010, 01:53 AM   #32
OVR: 30
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Blog Entries: 24
Originally Posted by Afrikan
Granted these running animations are not good as well in the Older Maddens....they run WAY upright...but the various tackle, break tackle, catch, etc animations blend in well with each other.

here are transition animations for Madden 07..

Madden 08

Madden 08
U have a point with these vids. Wow. Didn't realize how much smoother they ran back in those days. Heck, I had Madden 08 for my PS3 well before I even had a PS3 but just that quickly, though, Madden 08 for my PS3 got traded back in for the PS2 version, which I had got for my PS2 on release day. Lol. I just couldn't stomach Madden 08 for the PS3.

Also, I was expecting more in terms of newness that was never touched on from this video. I was not enthused by it. I think NCAA 11 is going to get much of my attention, this year...but I am a NFL head more than college ball head. We'll see.
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