I'm not going to give the company a pass because it's their first game. Look at NFL2k when it came out, it was comparable, and it some places surpassed, the football games that were out at the same time and they were a small team. The NaturalMotion people have money from licensing their engine to Rockstar and other companies and, as their fans love to point out, from that Tackle Alley app on the iphone. No, they aren't as big as Tiburon but they aren't four guys working out of their basement. It's crazy to me that there are people who hate EA so much that they tirelessly defend a game that is missing a lot of things. Most people who have been around here know that I didn't buy a football game after 2k5 until All Pro Football came out so I understand not liking EA/Tiburon, but I won't tell people to blindly buy a game just because it's something other than Madden.