06-14-2010, 05:32 PM
OVR: 46
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Guard The Land
Posts: 16,977
Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here
Played all the match ups in the demo. I will try to give some objective opinions.
-I have seen on a few occasions the receiver warp to catch the ball. It doesn't happen every time, but did a few.
- I have also seen some bad blocking logic on the tosses and sweeps.
These are the only negatives that I have noticed or bothered me so far.
- Locomotion is a game changer. Player movement hasn't felt this right since last gen.
-Looks like there are a lot of new animations. I have seen some brutal tackles.
-Blocking is much better overall. Best its been in Next-Gen.
-No more zig-zag running.
Overall I think its pretty awesome. IMO its the next gen football game we have been waiting for.