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Old 06-15-2010, 08:23 AM   #1278
OVR: 5
Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: North Fort Myers, FL
Icon12 Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here

I posted something about 50 pages back. So i wanna add when are they gonna get a different crowd is the game besides the cutseens? They don't even look real, lol. Also player models on the sideline look awful. Its 2010, every game always had these models, I know it may not be a big deal but it just stands out, looks like PS1 days. Got great stadiums, player graphics, etc, then u see the crowd and players on the sidelines makes you think like .

Overall after playing numerous times. I may buy this instead of madden. I didn't get this last year though and I have only bought NCAA once in my life and I am really enjoying the demo. The only gripes I have are:
- the players look like they are sliding not running.
- warping receivers to catch passes that are over led.
- super human speed on CPU defense
- played on Heisman the second time around and it seems to fast but the speed slider could fix this.
- while using the auto turbo sometimes the RB seems to stop for 2 seconds at the LOS after he gets a handoff, didn't happen when I had auto turbo off.
- pass rush is iffy, sliders could fix this.
- keep seeing the same tackle animations
- play call system needs to go back to the 3 plays selected at once so you press either X, B, or A to select a play.

I know its only the demo, hopefully they have these fixed in the retail version.

Last edited by steelersfan7; 06-15-2010 at 08:54 AM.
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