When 1st popping in this demo, I was amazed by the persentation. Seeing FS running on the field, was amazing, It amped me up. I was excited that they put The Pregame presentation into the game finally. After waiting along time. It reminds me alot of the last gen pregame with a spinkle of ESPN feel.
Gameplay- The 1st you notice in the game the game flows. From the kickoff, I noticed how different it feels running I broke a 72 yard Kick Return and was barly faught by a FSU defender sanging down my back. Also I realize when running with my powerback, It felt alot different then running with my speedback. Also I like how players seem I bit more aware then last year. When a man went in motion everyone bumped down a man
no more getting beat in coverage becasue of miscomunications. Also I notice that Locomotion on offense is alot easier to control then on defense. On offense locomotion make running effective and easy to move around with. On defesne you have to get the right postioning, and leverage. There was one play I was on defese and I had a linebacker on there running back, and I got burnt in man coverage for a big gain. I was upset, But was ok with because I had a chance to make the play, but did not make it. I'm ok with that. I also noticed a few thing I did not like in the gameplay. When I roll with my quarterback, He would make an ugly animation were he would jerk forward alittle bit, then roll out. I really did not like that. Also better then in Madden 10, "Pro Tak" still feels like you are glued into the animation. People slide into postions and it looks cluncky, but that liveable. All in All gameplay was very solid
Final though of the demo was 8 football out of 10. Everything was really good just fix the few problems in the game and I this can be on of the strongest years in the NCAA Football Franchsie