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Old 06-17-2010, 06:23 PM   #19
Senator Palmer
Senator Palmer's Arena
OVR: 18
Join Date: Jul 2008
Re: Pasta Padre Madden Video Set 2

Originally Posted by lint
I could have sworn I saw DE getting up field... but 0 interior penetration.

sigh oh well.
Haven't seen all the vids yet, but if you're referring to the Colts that's probably because they don't have a big-time interior presence. Their strength is on the edges, always has been. I see it as a good thing, because last year, the pressure and sacks came from interior guys and the pocket was really lacking.

I don't know if you've had a chance, but there's a great thread going on with curvise who was actually at E3 and got some hands on time with the game. On page 2 he goes through how big matchups are and highly rated interior guys like Jamal Williams were able to collapse the pocket.
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