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Old 06-17-2010, 11:25 PM   #12
OVR: 31
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Re: NHL 2K11 Trailer

Originally Posted by Scottdau
Wait a minute now. You jump on everyone that say the same things about EA trailers. What give? It is a trailer to show off the new dekes. Sure they are unreal, but I am sure you can control these with sliders, just like EA's game. I like that we have more control and that we are able to pull these moves off. Sure players don't do this in a game, but they still could if they wanted too, but the risk is too high. The graphics are the things that are holding me back from enjoying this Wii game, so I will must likely pass. Also, lets wait until we see more of the game, before we start claiming that 2K lost touch of what made it great.
Fair enough Scott, but I've heard the same line from him the last couple years and both 2k9 and 2k10 were essentially both terrible. I still believe they actually have lost touch though, there gets to be a point after 5 iterations on the current crop of systems that if they were truly going to make a next gen feeling hockey game and actually innovate like EA has with the skill stick and EASHL among other things, that it would have happened by now.

The slide started with Cinemotion, and its pretty much been all down hill since that brilliant design decision.
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