06-21-2010, 10:20 PM
MIB Crew
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Kansas City, MO
Posts: 8,814
Re: rspencer86's 2K10 Sliders and Settings
Good stuff tcrews. I felt the same way as you did on multiple occasions. Was just about ready to give up on this game but decided to really sit down and pound out some sliders that would try to fix the issues I had. These have given me fantastic results and have made the game incredibly fun.
I also added the coaching sliders to my original post. They are a work in progress, and before the start of each new season in my franchise I will look at which players were added/dropped from each team and kind of tweak them to fit the new pieces.
Ryan Spencer
University of Missouri '09
Twitter: @RyanASpencer
Royals / Chiefs / Kings / Mizzou / Sporting KC
PSN: MizzouTigerrr
XBox: MizzouRhino