06-21-2010, 10:36 PM
Re: NCAA Football 11 Demo Available Now, Post Your Impressions Here
I just dowloaded the demo and I must say that this game is a definite step in the right direction(I played NCAA 10 for the first time last night and it sucked). NCAA 11 actually has me very interested.
First of all, I love the new ESPN integration and presentation...it's a nice touch and makes it feel like I'm watching football.
Gameplay: Gameplay is very much improved, although there are still some iffy animations and morphs in the game...for example, I tossed a pass down field using Christian Ponder. Florida's DB batted the ball up and my WR slide for about 5 yards, almost caught theball, tipped int in the air, and slid another couple of yards.
One thing that I really liked was how the CPU QB overthrew some passes to WIDE OPEN receivers...Florida's QB attempted a deep pass with only one man down field wide open for 6...none of my DB's in the area, and he overthrew the ball and guess what...the receiver didn't magically gain super powers and morph to catch the ball.
I still have to play a few more games...but like I said, I downloaded the demo right after I played NCAA 10 for the first time, and NCAA 11 actually looks pretty good right now...I hope it stays that way.
SN: The last NCAA game I bought was NCAA 09 and said that I wouldn't buy another NCAA football game on release day...NCAA 11 MIGHT change my mind.