NCAA Football 11 Blog: No Huddle Offense
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06-22-2010, 04:55 PM
OVR: 18
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Re: NCAA Football 11 Blog: No Huddle Offense
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My concern with the video is that they were calling audibles quite a bit of the time. And even with all the crowd noise and effect on the routes (Autzen Stadium gets crazy loud), evidently there was -zero- problems audibling to a completely new play.
I really hope that's not a trend. Doesn't the current NCAA have a "feature" where the audible will or won't take for certain players if the crowd noise is loud enough? I really hope that happens. The idea of a team routinely calling audibles in a crazy-loud stadium like Autzen and being successful is a joke.
This is true but I believe the only reason that they are having no problem is because when they audible everyone looks to the sidelines to see the play. They arent just hearing it they are "seeing" the play being called.
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