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Old 06-27-2010, 08:46 PM   #2
PhantomPain's Arena
OVR: 16
Join Date: Jan 2003
Re: Kentucky Wildcats 2010-11 Thread

I agre wildcatchild, this team will likely be a better "all round" team than last year if the chemistry is there. I also think that this team will be better defensively as a whole.

The thing to remember is that Cal won't have to teach everyone, everything, from the beginning to the end of the season as there will be some returning players (not many but enough to make an impact) to help the newbies along.

Knight is not John Wall and I hope for his sake that UK fans don't try and compare them. But Knight is an elite pg with a nice stroke and high IQ. Lamb will great at the mid range game, something that was missing last year. Miller I am praying finally has a break out year and shows night in and night out what he is capable of. Jones is going to be hard to stop, he does so many things. And Kanter will replace Cousins quite nicely as I think he is nearly as effecient but will log more time as he doesn't have the attitude during games that can sit him on the bench. Not to mention he will probably hit about 75% of his FT's.

Don't be surprised to see Hood back up Knight some. He ran the point in high school a lot, almost totally in China and has been instructed by the staff to work on his pg skills about 90% of the time. Poole will be very good at getting to the rim, but needs to work on his outside shot. I have heard Harrelson looks better than ever. Lost more weight, really bouncy now and if he can improve his defense, then he will be fine backing up Kanter with Vargas. And Vargas, to me, is the wildcard. If he has gotten back to his high school form, only more mature and determined, can be a very solid back up to Kanter, or if Miller is playing with his head up his butt then don't be surprised to see Jones/Vargas/Kanter frontcourt.

I am excited about this season. Much more so than I was after the last game. The big question will be if this team gets the chemistry down. If they do, play the kind of defense they are capable of, then I can see a better finish than last year. Maybe not as good as an overall record, but by tourney time this team can be very good.

Go Cats!

P.S. Not sure I care one way or another about Dodson. If he returns then it would mean he has gotten his crap straight and maybe will play the way he is capable. If he doesn't return, then it's meant to be.
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