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Old 07-02-2010, 09:03 AM   #18
Donny Baseball!
Skyboxer's Arena
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

Nice thread! I play every chance I get... and on that note I tee off today at 4:05 pm
I've really worked hard on my game and have really improved. My biggest issue right now is confidence off the tee. I don't slice etc.. any more but it's 50 50 if I'll be 250 in the fairway or 150 in the fairway or just off.

The last issue I have is consistancy. I have issues stringer together 3-4 shots in a row. Example:
Par 5 and I hit a nice drive and follow that up with a good fairway wood...
Now I'm 30 - 50yds off green hitting my 3rd.
I'll either duff that show or I'll get on green and then 3 putt.. lol

Getting better though.

Don't know if anyone has tried teh Stack and Tilt but if you are having ball striking problems... Check it out! From day 1 this helped me out. That on top of using the Medicus 7 iron = Money.
This year I've hit more greens in regulation than I've ever hit.

My advice of the day(And it's not mine as I got this off Golf channel and it's really common sense)
It's not all about how far you can hit it.
Find the 2-3 clubs you are money at and play around them. For me it's my 7 iron (or 7 Hybrid). I hit it dead on 155-160.
So even if I can rip a ball to 50 yards from the green I will hit a club to get me in that 155range. It's easier for me to take a full swing with 7 iron than a "touch" swing with my lob wedge.

Anyone else use a GPS? I use the Sonnocaddie

Anyways love having this thread and whens the OS Scramble Tourney?

Edit: Best purchase this year for me: I got the 60
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Last edited by Skyboxer; 01-12-2013 at 10:37 AM.
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