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Old 07-02-2010, 12:22 PM   #29
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Re: The OS Golfer's Thread!

I love golfing. I try to get out every weekend, but that never seems to happen with stuff around the house and being on call every 3rd weekend for work. I'd say I get out 2-3 times per month and get to the range another handful of times.

I drive around 270yds and have solid iron play. My short game and putting is what kills me. I shoot anywhere between 85-95. Consistency is certainly my biggest issue. It seems when I'm driving great and my iron play is great, the short game/putting is poor (which happens most of the time). The rare times I get my short game/putting going, I lose control of my driver and irons and start pushing left/right. I used to have a nasty slice off the tee, but managed to correct that so now most of my mistakes are pushes.

Currently I'm playing with Callaway X-14 irons/wedges, big bertha driver/3-wood/5-wood. I want to upgrade, but I'm having a tough time convincing the wife (she is on board for a 65" plasma 3D TV at Xmas so I'm not pushing the new clubs right now!).
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