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Old 07-14-2010, 02:20 AM   #1
OVR: 4
Join Date: Nov 2008
Man Coverage in this game NEEDS to be fixed

The man coverage is flat out bad. They mirror your reciever and literally run the route better than the reciever, its so annoying. Just go to practice mode and try to throw any timing route to a WR on man coverage, it simply does not work. Its so stupid. I'm going to make a video about this tomorrow to back up this issue. This problem definately needs to be addressed ASAP because it really takes away from an overall good game.

Now I will say that this game is MUCH better than past iterations. Its just the continuous problems from year to year that they STILL haven't fixed that irritate the poop out of me. Just imagine if APFs passing game was the passing game of NCAA Football 11. The game would be great. Its just that some of the basic fundamentals of football are still not replicated in this game, something that some folks from England got right in their FIRST EVER game.

For example, the fundamentals of man coverage, correct any mistakes if you guys see any: The defender squares up to the reciever before the snap. The defender backpedals with the WR as the play begins. The defender is looking at the WR at all times at the beginning of the play. The defender watches ( supposed to) the hips of the WR to judge the cuts or fake cuts of the WR. If he bends his hips, he's cutting, if he doesn't or does just a bit, he's faking. The defender breaks his backpedal when the WR makes his cut. At this time, the defender has to judge whether or not he has the ability to jump the route. If he feels confident, he'll go for it. Otherwise, he'll trail. If the reciever runs a deeper route, the defender takes the inside hip and runs alongside the reciever.

This is how man coverage is played in Backbreaker. The only flaw is that the route running isn't fast enough so most routes get jumped. But the fundamentals are near perfect.

Here is how they play man coverage in NCAA Football 11: The defender squares up to the reciever. At the snap, he backpedals a couple of steps. When the reciever catches up to him, he breaks his backpedal to trail ( still good at this point). When the WR makes his cut ( or should I say when the defender makes his cut) the defender ( or should I say the WR) makes the cut perfectly with him, putting the defender in front of the WR in prime position to be the new WR. Not to mention, defenders for some reason can cut faster than WRs, I have no clue why as that makes absolutely no sense. Its like the defenders have a 6th sense of what route the WR is running, making timing routes a recipe for disaster. Like I said, this needs to be addressed ASAP because it really ruins what is a great game to me.

Last edited by ironman136; 07-14-2010 at 02:24 AM.
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