07-15-2010, 10:26 AM
Just some guy
OVR: 16
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 5,996
Re: Sports games are going in the wrong direction and our missing some of the most
Quote: |
Originally Posted by Blitzburgh |
important ingredients to move forward in 2011 and beyond…..It's a little long but hopefully worth your time...
**I wasn't sure where to put this so please move it where appropriate. Thanks
First, FORGET about the broadcast look! I know a lot of sports gamers have been asking for years for Madden, NCAA, the Show etc… to replicate the look of a broadcast and in my opinion we pretty much got that to a degree. The further they take that style of presentation the more the game doesn’t feel like I am playing a game. Does that make sense? I want it to be as real looking and playing as the next but I want to feel like it’s still a game and I am in complete control of my team and players.
Secondly, get rid of the god like perspective! (at least make it an option for those that do not want change and innovation). With all of the advancement and technology out there today why can’t they put me on the field and create playable camera angles that are different when I am running, passing, kicking and playing defense? Did you ever notice how excited everyone gets when they show a teaser trailer and they use great sounds and camera angles to bring you in to the moment? Why can’t they make this happen in the actual game?
Thirdly are the sounds of being on the field. In my opinion, no matter who they get to do commentary it doesn’t flow right, it gets repetitive and there is no real emotion connected to what is taking place on the field. Let’s take baseball for example: If I am on the mound I want to hear my teammates chanting my name or nickname for most people. I want to hear my coaches giving me words of encouragement and advice. I want my catcher to let me know to relax and where to keep my pitches as a guy like Ortiz comes to the plate. I want to hear the boos and cheers based on my performance but without a camera that centers the action on me and down on the field it won’t create the immersion of being in that moment.
Finally, let’s talk football for a minute. NCAA has finally been released and while I didn’t buy it yet I have played the demo many times. They are definitely on the right path with the sounds from the band playing to the crowd chants to the entrances to the field really made me feel like I was in the moment until the god view shed his head upon us once again and the ever so repetitive commentary kicked in. I love the view when you lock on a player though! It’s not perfect but it creates more of that feeling of being in the moment (If only the sound changed when I locked on to a player). Why is that not an optional camera that I can use and still be able to switch my guys? I understand on defense it could make things a bit disoriented but on offense I see no reason they can’t make that happen. How about when kicking field goals? Why can’t the camera be at field level behind me? It not only looks great but the pressure it adds to kicking is intense.
So, with all that being said, I would like to see a huge change in the way games are played. Put the emphasis on me, the player I am controlling, and put the camera down on the field with all of the sounds that come with being in that moment. If I want to watch a game I can turn on my cable box. When I want to play a game, well, I prefer the 360 or Ps3 for that enjoyment.
Any thoughts?
Have you played the Road to Glory mode yet? That's what you're asking for.