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Old 07-20-2010, 02:03 PM   #11
doomsday72499's Arena
OVR: 5
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Somerset, NJ
Re: Issue with Pipeline States in my OD

Originally Posted by ajwhawkeye12
I know that, but I'm not using a teambuilder team... I'm using Rutgers and I dont even have NJ as a pipeline state. I've started SEVERAL offline dynastys w/ Rutgers w/ the same roster to see if the same thing happens, but it doesn't... just in my OD. It is so aggravating that a couple of the other guys in my OD have teams that have NJ as a pipeline and will have an advantage over me recruiting there even though IT IS MY HOME STATE!
From what I understand on the pipelines...
1. If Teambuilder, you get what the team you replicate has (i.e. if you have Alabama as a model and then assigned new names, you get Alabama's pipelines...etc...
2. With in-game teams, it is based on their initial hometowns. Check your roster for home towns and adjust to get NY/NJ like it should be. I thought it was 4+ from each state but maybe that is just being safe.
3. If that does not work, I got nothing...
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