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Old 07-22-2010, 01:19 AM   #7
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Re: Is Dynasty ruined down the road?

The way it is this year is a lot better than last year. I think progression could be turned up just a tiny bit and it would be perfect. How many true freshman and sophomores are outright stars IRL. Not many and the game reflects that as well. Most schools redshirt kids and develop them. I see no problem with players coming in rated in the low 60s and 50s with a star sprinkled in here or there like it is. But I do think the players should progress just a tiny bit more over there 4/5 years in the game.

It's not unplayable in later years so don't be afraid to start up a dynasty. Its a change but nothing that will make you walk away from the game. The default rosters are a little inflated and the rosters later on never get back to that point. I tiny bit more progression would bring it back to the default roster area and I think that's why people are complaining about. That the rosters as a whole don't make it back to that level. Again it's not unplayable by any stretch of the imagination.
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