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Old 07-25-2010, 01:01 AM   #6
DCEBB2001's Arena
OVR: 7
Join Date: Nov 2008
Re: Toughest Loss Ever!!!!

My biggest heart-breaker was on Madden 03.

Me and my best friend ran a Franchise with the Packers for like 15 seasons during our senior year of HS. It was on the PC and we had those tight logitech controllers. We were playing the game on All-Madden and we have a home game against the Rams. We end up running the ball very well with Jamaal Anderson who we had to sign because our starting RB (Ahman Green) got hurt before the playoffs. In the second half we are up 13 to 6 and score a TD. So its 19 to 6 and we decide to go for 2 to end them. Well we miss the 2 point conversion and the Rams come back to make it 19-13. They stop us with only 4 seconds left in the game and Warner fires a 60 yard hail mary for the win with the XP. We felt SICK! I couldn't believe that! Needless to say, we never lost another game for the rest of the time we played it.

We loved that game! I think we had traded for David Boston to go with Donald Driver and Terry Glenn. It was TIGHT!
Dan B.
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