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Old 07-28-2010, 03:19 PM   #77
OVR: 8
Join Date: Mar 2003
Re: Really hate the recruiting now

Originally Posted by srudoff
then i'm sure you end a call immediately as soon as you see that you got the x2 bonus on a recruit, since that would be taking advantage. Same when you see the "unlock" icon behind a recruit.
Hey man, sorry if you took my post(s) to be an accusation of cheating/cheesing...I didn't mean for it to come across that way. In hindsight, I guess I could've worded it differently. Pull n Pray pretty much hit on what I was asking though. I'm still wondering how he got a talking Xbox though...or is it like some Matrix-like thing where you don't see the 1's and 0's anymore, just the hot blonde?

To your point though, no, I don't hang up but I don't think any coach would or should. I guess I was more worried about the math/probability of it than the fact that they occur. Pull is right though, if you keep a shorter list, you sacrifice the "list" points you would otherwise earn in the hope that you'll be able to use a "x2" on someone you actually want.
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