08-04-2010, 09:49 AM
OK...bad move EA. Let me explain.
NBA Jam has a pedigree that would have gamers happily fork over $60 for a full fledged, HD version of Jam on 360 or PS3. So why has EA decided to cannibalize sales?
The reasons are twofold: 1. For the sake of grounding a sorely needed NBA Live refresh titled NBA Elite 11. (A title that in early previews isn't trending well against the competition.) 2. EA is staring down the barrel of a NBA 2K game that has secured Michael 'effin' Jordan for the next installment! EA is desperate.
Now, I am not hip to internal contracts or deals that may prevent NBA Jam from a full-fledged port to HD systems. But I know one thing, I swore to never purchase another EA Sports game since the NFL license raping. And I will not change that stance for NBA Jam, no matter how bad I was looking forward to picking it up!
Bottom line...My dollars will not be used to artificially pad unit sales numbers for NBA Elite 11 when all I really wanted was NBA Jam. This is why the internet is up in arms over this news.
NBA Elite is trending as an inferior product to its competition this year, and EA knows it. NBA Jam will not cover that up. I ask anyone to challenge this logic.