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Old 08-05-2010, 03:13 PM   #206
nstod's Arena
OVR: 6
Join Date: Jul 2002
Re: NCAA Football 11 Live Tuning Pack 1, Available Now

Originally Posted by rhombic21
The blog post itself says that it can fix gameplay issues. In fact, it only mentions dynasty issues as a secondary component. I guess I'm wrong for thinking that things like coverage and run defense fall under the umbrella of gameplay.

Glad to know that we will still end up waiting 6 weeks for you guys to release a weak patch that probably won't even come close to fixing the major gameplay issues. I just wish you had been more upfront about that being the case last week, and not left the impression that you were going to be able to do things differently this year.
I think the problem is just mis-understanding what they said, personally. The things they listed appear to be values tied to a random number (3% of the time in this situation, the ball carrier fumbles...players progress up to 7% in this area or that area...etc, etc). Pursuit angles, logic, etc is based FAR less on random numbers, and much more on actual programming. Hence you can see some things updated with tuners (where they just set parameters for the random number generation), and other things that need a patch (actual code changes). This is my assumption, but I'm pretty sure I'm right.
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