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Old 08-05-2010, 05:20 PM   #303
thbends's Arena
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Waco, TX
Re: NCAA Football 11 Live Tuning Pack 1, Available Now

Originally Posted by Russell_Kiniry_EA
Fair enough.

It's used in our SIM logic some and helps CPU QB's choose who they are going to throw too. I'll double check if there is anything else but that is pretty much it.

That looks like a BUSTED to me. So AWR does not effect anything gameplay wise? Just sim? The cat's out of the bag.

Russ you know you probably opened a BIG can or worms with that statement.

Honestly I always figured it was like a boost for overall stats or something. Take Dez Bryant in Madden as an example. His AWR is horrible but his other ratings are Nnnnnnice. The quickest way to make his ratings go through the roof is to up his AWR. Why? I have no idea... Guess it's stat related for sim games. Since I will be playing with the Cowboys I guess his AWR does not really matter?
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