It's finally that time of year! Okay, here's how team selection is going to happen. I've thought this through for some time now and think it covers what both sides are asking for. I am allowing "tenure" for owners who stuck it out through the M10 online franchise, meaning they can keep their team if they want. Of the remaining teams, a randomly ordered draft will occur via a thread in our subforum.
The first step in getting ready for Madden 11 is to have every single owner check into this league to confirm they are active. This will need to be done by Saturday morning (August 14) at 10:00 AM. That's plenty of time to take 2 minutes to post you're still in the league. I'd like to see everyone checked in well before that of course!
This table will be updated as owners check in and post whether or not they are keeping their Madden 10 team. To check in, you basically post to say "I'm here!" and if you're keeping your team. For those contemplating staying, expect 2 games per week again this season.
We currently have 1 spot open for Madden 11. I'll be going through my wait-list and messaging potential owners once a spot becomes available.
Owner | M10 Team | M11 Team | Checked In? |
Trojan Man OS | 49ers | 49ers | Yes |
Paniro777 | Bears | Bears
| Yes
im ur pops | Bengals | Bengals
| Yes
Setfree xX | Bills | Drafting
| Yes
WildcatFan09 | Broncos | Drafting
| Yes
sparkyiii2k | Browns | Browns
| Yes
twosilk32811 | Buccanneers | Buccaneers
| Yes
| Cardinals |
dubb40 | Chargers | Draft
| Yes
IILLNYIIL | Chiefs | Draft
| Yes
| Colts | Draft
| Yes
White Walls 420 | Cowboys | Draft
| Yes
Don Bellagachi | Dolphins | Dolphins | Yes
DCMC404 | Eagles | Eagles
| Yes
Boxboy1999 | Falcons | Falcons
| Yes
BIGFNJOE96 | Giants | Giants
| Yes
DannyJPL07 | Jaguars | Jaguars
| Yes
Maroon Haze | Jets | Jets
| Yes
TheTruth1566 | Lions | Draft
| Yes
BiGTooT | Packers | Draft
| Yes
| Panthers | New Player
| Yes
Blaise Rikimaru | Patriots | Draft
| Yes
mattray214 | Raiders | Raiders
| Yes
| Rams | Draft
| Yes
LBzrule | Ravens | Ravens | Yes |
Basilisk Baby | Redskins | Redskins
| Yes
TombSong | Saints | Saints
| Yes
SuperSeahawks | Seahawks | Seahawks
| Yes
CreatineKasey | Steelers | Draft
| Yes |
ANDROMADA 1 | Texans | Texans
| Yes
| Titans | New Owner
| Yes
ColdWarMachine | Vikings | Vikings
| Yes
The table below will be kept updated with what teams are available in ACQB before the team draft occurs.
Team | Available? |
Jaguars |
Bears |
Bengals |
Giants |
Steelers | X
Chargers | X
Packers | X
Eagles |
Bills | X
Patriots | X
Texans |
Titans | X |
Buccanneers |
Saints |
Browns |
Chiefs | X
Jets |
Dolphins |
Vikings |
Colts | X |
Ravens |
Broncos | x
Lions | X
Cardinals | x
Rams | X |
Panthers | x
Redskins |
Cowboys | x
Falcons |
Seahawks |
Raiders |
49ers |