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Old 08-09-2010, 02:56 PM   #19
Fear is the Unknown
jeebs9's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K10 Video: In Preparation For NBA 2K11 (Shady00018)

Originally Posted by scatman
1. Probably a dumb question I'm asking, but there wouldn't happen to be a mac version is there?

2. Looking at these vids makes me so jealous, mods make this game come to life in ways consoles can only dream of (at least to my knowledge, which isn't much). This would make the whole editing players appearance even more awesome.

3. How/Where do the people who make these vids get all their uniform/court mock ups from? Had no idea cavs were getting new unis (I knew the logo was modified, but the unis too?) And that lakers black can only wish that's for real.
I don't think there are any games out there for Mac.

Just use google to do a search for PC Mods...I won't disrespect 2k by posting the site.

But the thing about the console is that to release a patch. The companies have to go through severally layers of testing, Sony and MS. So its a little different when you got a guy in his room release the
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