Thread: Running Game
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Old 08-13-2010, 06:29 PM   #2
OVR: 3
Join Date: Jul 2003
Re: Running Game

Originally Posted by JustCallMeKing
what slider settings should give me a decent portrayal of the run game??? it seems that i cant run for ish and they run on my *** like its nothing?
It depends....Watch some replays and identify what seems to be the issues. The adjust the following accordingly.

Run blocking - How frequent a blocker can engage a run block and how far of a push up field they get. If the CPU is manhandling your line, lower this.

Block shedding - How frequent a defender can escape a block. You can also tell this is too high if DL are tackling you much more than LB's. If the CPU seems to be holding their blocks, lower this.

Run reaction time - How quickly defenders pursue the ball carrier. If your plays are constantly getting blown up in the backfield, lower this.

Do the same for your running game.
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