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Old 08-20-2010, 02:54 PM   #20
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Re: Weak Madden Sales Signaling Trouble for Game Industry

Originally Posted by Flamehead
Meh, I think the author is too eager to produce a cause and effect with Madden sales numbers and what *might* happen with the game industry in general. How about "Weak Madden Sales Signaling Trouble for Madden?"

Of course, Peter Moore and Co. will look at this as more evidence that the game needs to be "simplified" further. Much easier to believe you've overcomplicated it rather than produced a game more people are becoming disenchanted with because you're not responding to repeated community requests and instead implementing changes no one asked for.
Spot on m'man. I haven't purchased a Madden game since Madden 06, and don't see that changing soon. The problem I have with media related articles such as this is that it misleads the general public from the truth that Madden has become (or IMO, has been) a stale franchise surviving off gimmicks and an aggressive marketing campaign.
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