Thread: Kickoff returns
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Old 08-23-2010, 04:10 PM   #8
PantherBeast_OS's Arena
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Re: Kickoff returns

Originally Posted by Steel Pitt
Kickoff coverage is the best its ever been in Madden this year. I have returned kicks pass the 30 and even had a return for a TD (same goes for my opponents). The beauty is that you will pay most times for trying to return a kick from mor thatn 5 yards deep in the end zone which I feel is very realistic. I hated the fact that in Madden 10 it felt like EVERY return had a chance to be returned for a TD. You were also guaranteed to make it out to the 25 at least so there was no penalty for taking it out even 9 yards deep in the end zone.

Again, I am not returning kicks left and right for TD's but you can get returns pass the 20 (even TD), but you will also pay for bringing the ball out from 7 yards deep in the end zone.
I have to agree with you bro on that. I've had a few punt returns TDs and a kick off for a TD in franchise mode. This year it is a risk/reward type deal. I think the kickoff and punt return is fine this year. People expect to have 30 40 yards return on every punt return everytime. But that ain't real. The avg field postion for a kickoff return about 25 yard line and that's where I usually end up most of the time. Sometime I get to the 35 depending. But overall I feel that this your ST is doing good. I hope Ian and company leaves it alone.
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