Price, no offense but there is no point debating with you. Stop trying to analyze it by talking about WR and DB footwork. That isn't even what we are talking about. Madden, since last gen and probably further, handles man coverage by making the DB mirror the route of the WR. Forget footwork and cuts, im talking about the way the man coverage is coded. They aren't "covering" the WR, they are running the same routes.
Just like i said earlier in the thread, and another long time Madden player in Only1LT, these issues have plagued the game since last gen, because this game isn't "new", its the same legacy code they have used for years, tweaked and tuned a bit different every year. Every year it may improve a slight bit in one area, but at the same time takes steps backwards. This is because the nuts and bolts of this game, the core code or engine(s) should be put to pasture.