09-05-2010, 04:33 AM
OVR: 28
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: 253, WA
Re: Suction, Control, and Animations
Okay, so what you're asking is if we didn't think Live 08 was any good then why are we hyped and defending Elite?
If that's the point your trying to get across then, I'd say you have a good point. Because besides the demo and maybe a rental I never touched Live 08.
Maybe if they stuck with it and kept improving Live 08 we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. And we would have a Live game much closer to the competition in terms of visuals and authenticity.
I got to say though, I'm still interested to see where they take Elite and 'RTP'. And boy do I wish they still had those Signature moves. Especially the Shaq hook, so we wouldn't have to worry about him shooting fade away's from the post.