09-06-2010, 05:00 AM
Re: Some Testing on Imported QBs
Found something interesting... if you clone a player (i made 9 jake lockers...) they all come out with almost the exact same potential. I in 12 reuploads ever got even one player to hop between the lockers no matter where on the potential board they were and when we did the draft low and behold the ratings ( i only did two) 79,78,74,73,71,70,70,70,66 the first time and 73,73,72,70,66,65,65,64,61 i changed each lockers weight by one pound to identify them and the only difference in order was that locker 5 and locker 3 switched places the second draft which proves your range theory but gives me some serious pause about the system because there is no reason for them to be this close all the time. I had them ALL at washington and the only one that played was locker 2
Maryland terrapin for life
St. Louis Rams Fan