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Old 09-14-2010, 07:53 PM   #2
RipCity71252's Arena
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Join Date: Aug 2009
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Re: Demo trick to running plays?

Tap LB then quickly tap a,b,x,y or LT to select a player you want to run a play for then quickly tap one of the face buttons to trigger the play vision. This sequence takes me about 2 seconds and it works for me almost every time.

Can't see the play call name, and it's a little cumbersome to start them, for instance if you want to run a play for fish and he has the ball you'll end up passing the ball and having to get a back to fish to start the play. You'll lose your dribble with a pass fake if you run a play for kobe. You'll lose your dribble after a pumpfake when you try to run a play for Ron get the idea.
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