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Old 09-18-2010, 10:06 PM   #1
OVR: 1
Join Date: Sep 2009
Icon5 Why was this thread closed?

Why was the thread over here closed?

In the last post, kehlis said "the title of this thread and this post is not the way we do things here" … people complain all the time on this forum; about EA, gameplay, other players, etc. What was the problem? What is "not the way we do things here"?

It's not like I was profane or anything (had to work at it, given the frustration, but it was 100% clean). The only possible thing I could see (and it's something of a stretch) is that some people don't like others using the word "hell". If that's the reason, it seems a little 1950s puritanical, eh?

Anyway, I'm curious why it was closed. Seems like a completely legitimate post/complaint to me.
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