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Old 09-20-2010, 08:16 PM   #124
Heroesandvillains's Arena
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Re: Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

Originally Posted by swaldo
I won't argue replays are compressed or not, but I will argue there is still morphing going on. When you watch a fastball in slow-mo coming straight at a bat and sailing right through I don't think compression really matters. This could be possible I suppose with a pitch with a large break so I'm not saying you're incorrect.

Also, doesn't the contact slider effect ball morhing as well? Lower it all the way down and you'll be swinging at alot of pitches you swore you hit.

And how about balls morphing straight through the chest of a fielder? I think it's pretty obvious it's not compression. The CPU simply spits out "error" and there's just no stopping the ball no matter what.
If you're refering to some plays being scripted, are you implying comeback code?

Think like a dev here. What do you suggest the reason behind the "morphing" is? I'm a little confused with your last two posts.

We can all agree that some weird stuff happens when the game gets slowed down. But I can't help but infer you suggesting some reasoning behind it that you're simply not saying.

I'm not trying to be argumentative here. Just trying to follow you on this.

Last edited by Heroesandvillains; 09-20-2010 at 08:20 PM.
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