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Old 09-20-2010, 08:54 PM   #130
swaldo's Arena
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Re: Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

Originally Posted by heroesandvillians
If you're refering to some plays being scripted, are you implying comeback code?

Think like a dev here. What do you suggest the reason behind the "morphing" is? I'm a little confused with your last two posts.

We can all agree that some weird stuff happens when the game gets slowed down. But I can't help but infer you suggesting some reasoning behind it that you're simply not saying.

I'm not trying to be argumentative here. Just trying to follow you on this.
Oh please not those words . All I'm talking about is putting results into the hands of the user. As much as possible, the more the merrier.

The morphing and such is happening because ratings and other factors (see Countyboy's post) are dictating results rather than user input. That's fine if I'm playing coach mode only, but if I'm controlling the action I want to be in charge of the results.

Nobody can deny that the CPU dictates some outcomes no matter what input a user provides, and I responded because someone was called a liar for stating such. It's not a lie, it's a fact. Just do a youtube search for 'The Show PCI hitting tutorial.' While the guy is teaching he gets all confused at the results he's getting while batting - and he's supposed to be an expert.

The PCI system is not bad. But if it's too easy for a poor hitter to hit a good pitcher don't give me random results. Instead, find ways to increase the difficulty so I'm still in charge of the action.
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