09-22-2010, 09:01 AM
Well, My impression of NBA Elite 11 was truely HEARTBREAKING. Im really an ANTI 2k dude and a die hard live fan. I have been playing live since 2008 came out and I have been hooked ever since. Before that I never played basketball games because I really couldn't stand 2k and still cant. But anyway, I honestly feel that Elite tried to incorporate 2k's body movements and jump shot with the total control. To me Elite tried to be something that its not. I feel that the game tried to hard to beat something else instead of beating it self, and just being itself.
I do see myself playing elite in the future but I dont see myself actually purchasing the game. Only because I dont believe in what you guys are trying to do with this years product and franchise. It just doesnt feel like a Live video game. For this year I guess Im stuck with just hooping in real life but, I only have so many years of that because people do get old. I hope that you guys fix the problems and concerns of elite in next years product and I will be patiently waiting for that to happen until next year. Good luck elite!