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Old 10-04-2010, 11:51 AM   #20
Armor and Sword
The Lama
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Re: How's Your Association Going? (2K11)

Originally Posted by ZoneBlitz
I'll be running with the Knicks also. I will put myself at PG (about an 80 overall rating), sign Iverson, and see if I can trade for anyone else that doesn't give me to large a contract. My goal is to use the first year to rebuild, then make some serious moves next year.

I also create about 25 of my family and friends and put them in free agency. I like to play against them as different teams pick them up. I make about two of them complete superstars. The rest I make rated somewhere in the 80s. My personal rule is that I don't sign any of them. I let the cpu teams pick them up. Last year, the cpu didn't make much use of them. However, this year I look forward to seeing how the cpu takes advantage of the talent.

Now that is pretty darn creative. I like your style.

Obviously I will play as The Heat. Out of the box tomorrow at Pro Sim. I plan on trying to find a PG but most likely will be letting D-Wade and Lebron handle the duties. Lebron as a point forward will be deadly with Wade roaming around.

I will also dabble in my player, Jordan challenge. Wow I am pumped.

Will update my Heat Association throughout the year, as it will take me a long time to play through an 82 game season. I think I will sim a few games maybe 20-30 and play the rest. Going to try 12 minute quarters and work from there on the sim setting (slider tweaks) at pro level. I have a feeling as I improve the quarters will settle in around 8-9 minutes.
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