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Old 10-25-2010, 09:55 AM   #10
TreFacTor's Arena
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Location: Philly, Pa.
Blog Entries: 8
Re: No Patch #2

Originally Posted by PaleVermilion
Out of curiosity, what does this do for your faith in Natural Motion to support games in the future? Would you buy a Backbreaker 2?
You'd have to be a complete fanboy or a complete fool to buy their next game knowing that they will only release one patch for it. Considering that there may not be a huge list of improvements in BB2, I don't see how anyone who bought the first can be courageous enough to essentially throw good money after bad. I will keep an eye out for information, but I will not simply go out and buy it because I bought the first. I could see if the game was as good as say Beyond Good and Evil or something like a sleeper cult hit, but only selling 80,000 in the video game world is the equivalent to being completely unknown... heck there are indie games that cost less and sell more on XBLA.

It may have cost NatMo some change, and put them in the red on the profits of the game, but it would have solidified their fanbase if they at least fixed what they broke with the Greathouse patch which was the games best attraction. Not fixing the game is going to be one of many mistakes this company makes and will reflect in their sales of future titles. They will get a bad rep from this and it will be hard to make people forget especially those of us that stood by them for years even before the game came out.
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Last edited by TreFacTor; 10-25-2010 at 09:59 AM.
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