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Old 10-27-2010, 12:45 AM   #59
Resident film pundit
Blzer's Arena
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Re: NBA Jam Release Date, 11/17 - 49.99 - Title Update in December (360, PS3)

Originally Posted by The GIGGAS
A) It's not stripped in features (which now suddenly is a bad thing?).
B) So you want it to be five dollars more expensive than NBA Unrivaled.
A) I just don't want to have to pay more. I'm not going to utilize the new modes, so why should I have to pay for them? That's why I made the TV example.

B) Gee, when you put it that way I see what you mean. Unrivaled is awful. But since when have games been priced at released based on their quality? Look at your Madden's and MLB 2K's as of late.

I really don't get this. You said yourself earlier you were going to get Elite mainly for the feature-stripped Jam, which would be 63 dollars. Elite got shelved, Jam gained features and lost 10 dollars, and now it's a no buy?
I never said I was going to get Elite. I must have been misunderstood in my post earlier. Elite was never, and probably will never, be a part of my purchase plan (if it stays on its current route).

I honestly think if you are going to play the game as much as you say you want to, you'll get close enough to that $1 per hour thing. But neither of us are going to budge on our viewpoint. Go ahead, wait for a price drop, or rent it. Make that vote with your wallet. I'm sure there will be plenty of other non-hardcore forum users (which DickDalewood referenced) that pick this game up because it will be fun.

EDIT: I do believe in full disclosure, so here goes. I am about to preorder the game on Amazon, on which I have 20 dollars worth of pre-order credits for buying Lucha Libre AAA (which was a giant waste of my sixty dollars) and WWE SDvR. I do not see this as the correct value for the game. I see it as an amazing deal I cannot pass up.
Good for you! I really do mean that. I would love to own this game. I just don't want to pay $50 for it. I'm not going to play it that much and I'm not going to delve into the newly attached modes either. You're right that I can wait for a price drop, but at the same time I still do feel like this would have been a very successful DLC game.

I don't really think we're on different wavelengths (except how you thought I wanted to buy Elite... I'll look into that post), I just think we perceive how we spend our money differently as well as how we're going to get that bang for our buck most effectively.

I think instead of television sets, a fairer example would be how many Blu-ray movies are now released with a DVD version and a digital copy of the movie. I can see how some people can give that use (maybe they have a laptop that can't play Blu-rays, etc.), but I just see it as me paying $5 extra for no reason other than to have two extra discs I will give no use for.

EDIT: Oooh, I think I see where you thought I wanted Elite. Was it here?

I don't want Elite, I want the Jam game packaged with it (downloadable on PSN). I'm not sure if I care about online play (which I didn't beg for), but all I want is what the SNES version had. I don't have an SNES anymore, so I'd like to have that again. If it's reinvented like the TMNT game that's all good and dandy, but I have other basketball games that I'd rather shell the cash to play the full experience.
I'll rewrite that:

I do not want to buy NBA Elite, the demo was awful. It's not like I can buy it anyway since it has been delayed, but that stripped version of NBA Jam packaged with NBA Elite seems pretty interesting. If that stripped version were released in the online store for $20 or so, that would be a great investment! I would like to see that version of the game as an option, not just the fully-featured $50 version. That way I can play as I intended to, and pay just for that much as well. I'm sure those modes are great, but that's not what I want to invest into NBA Jam. For around $50, I might as well go for NBA 2K11 when I want more modes. I just want NBA Jam for the awesome two-on-two action that the SNES version had, and in this day and age I'd say that $20 is a good maximum price point for that experience.
I hope that makes sense.
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Last edited by Blzer; 10-27-2010 at 01:00 AM.
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