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Old 10-28-2010, 04:05 PM   #8
OVR: 13
Join Date: May 2009
Blog Entries: 6
Madden is no longer the flagship title it once was. When I was in college in the mid to late 90's that is ALL the college students played. Thats it. You didnt see RPG's or shooters or any of that. Nowadays, even regarding sports. faster moving games like Fifa and NHL are taking over. This is part of the reason why gameflow was designed. With all of their commitments (assuming they are responsible teenagers) , teens just do not have the time or patience for a game like Madden

My brother works on campus at NC State and he described it best to me the other day, he described Fifa as "The New Madden." and he is absolutely right. That is what the kids are playing. He said he cant remember the last time one of the students he works Fellowship with invited him into the dorm for a game of Madden. Its always Fifa.

Think about the most prominent Madden commercial you saw this year. The one I saw most wasnt geared toward kids. It featured a young adult putting a baby to sleep in a baby swing and then sneaking over to his TV to turn on Madden when the baby was all settled. The tag line was "Get your Madden Back.", That is geared toward an older generation of diehard fans.

Madden ads use to be ambiguous, now they are very targeted. I think that says alot about how EA views the franchise differently than it did 15 years ago.
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