10-29-2010, 02:27 PM
OVR: 65
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Los Angeles
Posts: 66,563
Re: NBA Elite Being Moved to Tiburon, EA Canada Hit by Layoffs (Not Confirmed Yet)
I could care less about what you think about a few people's statements in here, but you're essentially using a generalizing conversation to start your diatribe yourself.
That said, I could care less who made it, NBA Live this gen has been nothing short of a full size disappointment from broken promises to broken patches.
Pick any example you want to pick, and regardless of whatever the location is, whatever is going on at EAC wasn't working with basketball fans in general.
Direction or not, the disaster was seen coming 10 miles away by the fans, dont tell me the decision makers couldn't feel which way the wind was blowing as well.