looking for some pointers here gents for anyone that's using auto-shot aim (as opposed to the default manual) in offline play - tuner v1.05
about to do some testing myself to see if having auto-shot aim enabled allows me to keep default shot & power settings in place for those sliders (both human & CPU) and likewise keep the GK reaction sliders at default.
what I'm looking for assistance in is what determines where the player will shoot the puck ? ... to explain that better perhaps , even with auto-shot aim 'on' do you still have to signal your intent of which corner (and high or low) you're going for with the left thumbstick ? (same as manual aiming really) ... or is it simply a case of ripping off your type of shot with the right thumbstick ?
if it's the latter (just ripping away with right thumbstick) then I'm somewhat at odds with my own mind here as what determines if the shot goes in or is saved ? ... is it simply down to game coding does anybody know ? ... ie: for that particular moment in time the code of the game determines that you're in the right place at the right time with an able shooter attempting the right style of shot on goal for the situation and some statistical parameter suggests he'd score all other things being equal and with the wind blowing in the right direction ...