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Old 11-07-2010, 04:40 PM   #1
lionden_56's Arena
OVR: 2
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Milwaukee, Wi
The great conference shift


I'm restarting a dynasty, so that also gives me nice cause to finally do this. One of my little pet peeves is that whenever you re-start a dynasty, everyone always plays the same schedule. I know it is kind of small, but it bugs me. I like variety. I don't like Wisconsin losing to Ohio State in every first year of every dynasty I play (just for example).

I also wanted to see what would happen if the BCS busters (Boise, TCU, Utah, etc) played in a BCS conference. So I decided that for this dyansty I was going to shake up all the conferences. And not just move one or two teams...I mean move a lot. So I drew up some new conferences, figured out how I could get everyone where they would need to be in-game, and started.

The specifics on my end:
I'll be playing as USF. I wanted the challenge of a middle-of-the-road school in a good conference (They were one of the ones shifted), with challenging recruiting (No A's, a few B's, mostly C+'s). I may change schools, I may not, we'll see. The coach we are following is Jason Jackson.

7 Minute Quarters
Playmaker's Slow speed Varsity sliders (with the option of moving up to SECElites all american if it gets too easy. In my last dynasty, once I got to 5 star prestige, the game just got ridiculously easy.)
All-American Recruiting (With aid from the pocket-scout app).
On defense, I control the Middle Linebacker in base defense and one of the DTs in Nickle or Dime. I used to do the DEs but felt it was too easy to get around the tackle.

Official story of the conference changes, with breakdown, will follow in the next post.

Hope you enjoy reading.

Last edited by lionden_56; 11-11-2010 at 12:18 PM.
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