Fight Night Champion Hands-On Preview (IGN)
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11-12-2010, 10:01 PM
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Fight Night Champion Hands-On Preview (IGN)
IGN has just posted their
Fight Night Champion
hands-on preview.
"While I got the chance to play Fight Night Champion at a San Francisco event, the gameplay wasn't the significant departure that I was just talking about (though there are plenty of changes that we'll get into later). Instead, EA Sports seems to be making a huge push to bring the story of a boxer into the game with the new Champion Mode. The small piece of gameplay that we got to see from Champion Mode showed our fighter in a boxing match in prison. Yes, you read that right. Your introduction to the mode is a bare-knuckle brawl and it's just as bloody as you'd expect. It's more of a tutorial than anything, but given the fact that your corner man mentions your dad's death and that you need to "knock this ****er on his ***" to win makes it clear that the mode takes this game in a very different direction."
Steve Noah
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