Thread: auto-shot aim
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Old 11-13-2010, 06:04 PM   #5
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Re: auto-shot aim

Originally Posted by Jayhawker
My experience with auto-aim is that it picks a location in the same way it picks a location for the CPU team. So snipers are more likely to find a hole than a grinder.

I can understand why folks are resistant to giving up that control we would have over shooting. But after really spending a lot of time getting manual aim down, so I could enjoy HUT, I found it it to be far more empty feeling than auto-aim. I saw more than enough top corner shots. The better I got at scoring, the more empty they felt.

I'd say, using manual aim doesn't really require much strategy. Just spam those corners and the goals will come. But auto-aim forces me to thin a lot harder about how I am setting a shot up, and who I am using.

So when I play with auto-aim, I get all kinds of shots going in, through all five holes. I can't compensate for a grinder and expect goals. I was really surprised that I would feel this way after finally becoming comfortable with manual aim. Playing with manual aim was my number one priority this year, but I'm back to auto-aim because manual felt too easy and soulless.

I love this...I've only recently switched to manual shot aim. But, I'm thinking about going back to auto-aim for an entirely different reason. I SUCK WITH MANUAL AIM..haha

I agree with you Jawhawker, you see a better variety of goals scored. Furthermore, there seems to be a reliance, for better or worse, on the shooting ratings instead of your individual skill as a gamer.
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