New York Times on Sam Keller/EA Lawsuit: "It's about much more than video games"
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11-20-2010, 06:07 PM
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leave it to a spoiled scrub to ruin it for everyone. ea does not use the likeness of any college players. heck half the time, they have the wrong jersey number. ea's lawyers took a very dumb stance. they should have put the burden on the ncaa. afterall, jerseys, posters and other products are sold using the player's likeness and they don't get a nickel. i'm guessing that a jury is more likely to rule against the for profit than the ncaa. i bet keller had no problem customizing the game with his name Nd such when he was playing and since his career fizzled he figures someone has to pay. what a biggitty beya!
This is horrible for both. If Sam would have made it.. this would not be an issue
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