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Old 11-23-2010, 03:59 AM   #1
OVR: 14
Join Date: Jul 2010
Blog Entries: 1
CPU clock styles

NCAA already has these elements in the game. Now they just need to be setable to all teams.

There should be 4 different clock styles for each team. This controls how much time it takes for the CPU to line up at the line of scrimmage, when they take a snap.

Fastbreak - Oregon, Notre Dame.
  • No huddle
  • System oriented.
  • Quick plays with minimum substitution
    • Teams snap the ball quickly. As fast as the current no huddle offense (which is insanely quick and unrealistic how quick the team can get back to the line of scrimmage)
Quick - Texas Tech, Michigan,
  • Sometimes no huddle, other times will huddle up.
  • Look to sideline for plays
  • Some substitution
  • On the line adjustments and audibles
Standard - Stanford, Alabama
  • Huddle almost all the time
  • On line adjustments
Ball Control (Chew Clock)
  • Basically the current chew clock.
  • Ball control teams.
Times when the team gets to the line of scrimmage
Fastbreak - As soon as the play is over. No huddle.
Quick - 20-30 seconds on the play clock
Standard - 16-24 seconds on the play clock (give the QB some time to adjust, audible, variable snap count)
Ball Control - 8-12 seconds on the play clock (3-4 more seconds than the current control the clock)

Give the CPU QB more variation in snap counts. Patience at the line of scrimmage.

Teams should be adaptable in game. When down by 21 points teams might go to the no huddle quick. The CPU teams need to go into chew the clock quicker when up big.

Need to add more time for special team subsitutions.

I love the simming the clock after plays. I love the fact that I can play 15 minute quarters against the CPU now against spread/no huddle teams. I would just like a little more representation of the standard teams and the teams that use more clock between plays.

This has become a strategic element in college football. All the tools are already in the game. Now EA you just need to refine them and make them more usuable to the gamer.

These need to be setable options for all teams in dynasty mode (team screen for rosters also). This would greatly enhance the game.

On average, it takes about 34 seconds from the end of the previous play for a conventional college team to start the next one
Oregon's average time between plays is 23.2 seconds—32% faster than the norm. And for them, that's just third gear.
Dewie12 is offline  
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